SICOT, Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie, is an international non-profit association incorporated under Belgian law with the aim to promote the advancement of the science and art of orthopaedics and traumatology at international level in particular for the improvement of patient care, and to foster and develop teaching, research and education.

SICOT INDIA that functions as the national body for India aims to further the goals and missions of SICOT in a manner relevant and accessible to orthopaedic surgeons from India. It will be the local organising body for SICOT 2013 which is being held at Hyderabad in Nov 2013. India is a country that never fails to stimulate and SICOT India is committed to match the same flavour inside our conference venue where young and old, conventional and dare devils, knowledge and wisdom will come together to forge a new relationship and turn a new leaf in chapter of Indian and world orthopaedics.

Under its aegis, SICOT Young surgeon forum is another feather in the cap of SICOT India. The YSF with its theme of 'collaborate, innovate and excel' is committed to provide young orthopaedic surgeons accredited fellowship opportunities, access to journal and educational resources and a platform to add wisdom to their knowledge. It is a vibrant community for young at heart where informal discussions and humour break the most formidable barriers.

Since its inception SICOT India is growing in strength to strength under the able leadership of Dr A N Johari, and a lot of good things are in store for members in coming days. Members and young at heart surgeons can visit the respective areas to find out how they can be a part of all the excitement. And those who are not yet a member, now is the time with reduced membership fee,  huge range of resources at your finger tip and SICOT OWC just round the corner, things have never been better...